Participant Information Sheets

We are excited to introduce the Participants Information Sheets, a valuable resource for you to learn more about our Social Buddy VR application research. We have thoughtfully created three information sheets catering to different age groups: adolescents aged 13-14, adolescents aged 15-16, and parents and guardians. Take a moment to explore the relevant information sheet for your specific age group or role.
  1. Adolescents (13-14 years) Information Sheet: Download
  2. Adolescents (15-16 years) Information Sheet: Download
  3. Parents and Guardians Information Sheet: Download
We highly recommend reading the information sheet corresponding to your age group or role before considering participating in the research. These information sheets provide important details about the study, its purpose, procedures, data collection, and privacy measures.

If you are interested in participating in the research study, please sign up below:

Please note that this study signup is not considered consent for study participation. Signing up will allow us to contact you with further information and updates regarding the research study.

We appreciate your interest and look forward to your involvement in the study. If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to contact us.

Principal Investigator: Hansi Udapola

Co-investigators (Supervisors): Dr Simon McCallum and Dr Nadia Pantidi