
Assignment 1 (RDM and ER) (due week 5, ):SWEN435_Assignment1_24.pdf

Assignment 2 (RA + Optimsation) (due week 8, 3 May extended to 6 May ) Assignment 3 (DB design + Normalization) (due week 11) Project 1 (SQL) (due Week 7): Project 2 (due Week 12)
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You will write an essay on No-SQL databases using the IEEE template. Your essay topic can be A Survey of NoSQL databases. The essay should be 3 to 4 pages (exclude references), and is due on 14 June. Please submit your essay in pdf. Your essay should include references to support your statement. and arguments.

1) The structure of the essay will discuss:
  • The problem/issue
    • Describe the problem/issue/limitation that NoSQL databases are trying to address
    • Explain why it matters - where does the problem arise in practice.
  • Describe different families of NoSQL databases
    • Explain the solutions presented by each of the families
    • highlighting the similarities and differences between the families
  • Limitations
    • Discuss the limitations of each of the families - what they don't solve yet.
    • Briefly outline how the limitations are addressed by any other databases, if any.
  • Conclusion
    • Summarise the state of the art of NoSQL databases, saying what can be done now, and what issues are still open for future research.

2) Template

You are expected to use the two-column IEEE conference article format. You may use either Word, LaTeX, or Overleaf (LaTeX) to produce your report, using the respective templates below: Please follow the referencing style (IEEEtran) specified by the template. You may include images and tables if they support the points you are making.

3) To help you with the writing of the essay I provide you some readings for you to start with. You are encouraged to survey more papers to be used for your essay:

1. NoSQL Evaluation - Use Case-oriented Survey

2. Can the elephants handle the NoSQL onslaught?

3. History repeats itself: sensible and NonsenSQL aspects of the NoSQL hoopla

4. Cassandra - The NoSQL Column Store used by Facebook (

5. MongoDB - The popular NoSQL Document Store (

6. Uniform Access to NoSQL Database Systems (

7. Benchmarking Scalability and Elasticity of NoSQL Database Systems
also (
NuoDB - A popular NewSQL Database System (see also here)

If any of the links above do not work please google the paper and you should be able to find it easily.

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