Seminar - UX Maturity Levels, Game Design, and User Research

Guest Lecture

Speaker: Dr. Lennart Nacke
Time: Friday 16th November 2018 at 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Location: Cotton LT 122, Cotton COLT 122

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In this talk, Dr. Nacke describe several games user research methods from the Oxford University Press book: Games User Research (found in Chapter 7) and talks about UX maturity levels of a company (Chapter 5). When he talks about UX maturity levels of game development companies, he also fits those levels to the game design iterative development cycle and shows where Game UX fits into that space. He discusses A/B Testing, Benchmark Playtest, Card Sorting, Critical Facet Playtesting, Diary Studies, Ethnographic Studies, Extended Playtests, Focus Groups, Heuristic Evaluation, Interviews, Initial Experience Playtests, Market Segmentation, Narrative Usability, Online Survey, Personas, Reviews, Rite Test, Telemetry, Usability Tests (Unmoderated, Benchmark, Regular), Observation, and Physiological Sensors. The talk ends with 3 UX takeaways for companies.

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