Zarinah Amin

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ALERT! This person can no longer be contacted through the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Victoria University of Wellington
Zarinah Amin profile picture

My role in ECS is to facilitate recruitment and appointment of tutors. Tutors make a significant contribution to students' learning experience because they implement the planned learning activities that enhance learning and understanding. ECS tutors who ensure effectiveness Think, Plan and Build learning minds.

New and untrained tutors are expected to undergo three-hours paid tutor training provided by CAD. In addition, where possible, we also invite tutors to attend an additional paid workshop on cultural inclusiveness. For PhD tutors, we provide professional development beyond the core training to add value to their student experience in ECS.

Our tutors are recognised for excellence in delivering tutorials, giving feedback and adding value to ECS tutoring program. This culture of promoting excellence has resulted in one of our tutors Harry Ross receiving a 2017 Te Rautaki Maruako Tutor Excellence Award (among 8 recipients across the university).

Take a look at Our Tutors in action here.