Christian Rolf

Please Note

ALERT! This person can no longer be contacted through the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Victoria University of Wellington
Christian Rolf profile picture

Research Interests

My research interest is in the area of high-performance computing. In particular, how to efficiently model and solve problems that have a too high time-complexity to be solved on anything less than a grid. Hence, during my PhD, I developed the world's foremost parallel constraint solver. The solver is available here, and will soon have my modifications; JaCoP

I'm also interested in cognitive science, which deals with human rationality, and how that affects the design of software and user interfaces.

I did all my studies at Lund University in Sweden, my previous page is here: Christian@LU


My main hobbies are rock climbing and photography. While Wellington is not the climbing capital of the world, there are opportunities. I also try, with limited success, to run, but hiking is more fun.

