% VUW HONOURS REPORTS MODIFICATIONS TO ARTICLE/REPORT DOCUMENT STYLES % -- modified from vuwstyle % -- released 3 October 1991 % Modifed by Ewan Tempero for the new TR cover. October 1993. % % Now allows \supervisors as well as \supervisor. NL Dec 2002 % % Sets up cover page and page size for VUW CS reports % %% Now in the ECS CVS as of 2010-04-23, following some reworking %% %% $RCSfile: vuwproject.sty,v $ %% $Revision: 1.9 $ %% $Date: 2022/04/12 04:03:59 $ %% $Author: mark $ %% % INSTRUCTIONS % % Must use 11pt % % works with report style % % use \title{} to specify title, \author{} to specify author, % \supervisor(s){} to specify supervisor(s), \date{} to specify date, % and ``abstract'' environment for abstract. % % Current options are: % [ecs|msor] Which school you are in. % % [bschonscomp|mcompsci] Which degree you are doing % You can also specify any other degree by name % (see below) % [font|image] Use a font or an image for the VUW logo % The font option will only work on ECS systems % % If you don't use the package options, bschonscomp or mcompsci, % to specify the degree you can use % % \otherdegree{OTHER DEGREE OR DIPLOMA NAME} \DeclareOption{ecs}{% \gdef\Ecs@school{School of Engineering and Computer Science}% \gdef\Ecs@schoolmaori{Te Kura M\=atai P\=ukaha, P\=urorohiko}% \gdef\Ecs@schoolacronymlower{ecs}} \DeclareOption{msor}{% \gdef\Ecs@school{School of Mathematics, Statistics \\ and Operations Research}% \gdef\Ecs@schoolmaori{Te Kura M\=atai Tatauranga, Rangahau P\=unaha}% \gdef\Ecs@schoolacronymlower{msor}} \DeclareOption{bschonscomp}{% \gdef\Ecs@degree{Bachelor of Science with Honours in Computer Science}} \DeclareOption{mcompsci}{% \gdef\Ecs@degree{Master of Computer Science}} \DeclareOption{sms}{% \gdef\Ecs@school{School of Mathematics and Statistics}% \gdef\Ecs@schoolmaori{Te Kura M\=atai Tatauranga}% \gdef\Ecs@schoolacronymlower{sms} \gdef\Ecs@fromnetaddr{sms-office@vuw.ac.nz} } \DeclareOption{image}{\Ecs@imagetrue} \DeclareOption{font}{\Ecs@imagefalse} \newif\ifEcs@image \ProcessOptions \usepackage{mathpazo} % sets palatino as the default font \newcommand{\makeblankpage}{\newpage \thispagestyle{empty} \addtocounter{page}{-1}} \newcommand{\frontmatter}{\pagenumbering{roman}} \newcommand{\mainmatter}{\cleardoublepage \pagenumbering{arabic}} \newcommand{\backmatter}{\appendix \cleardoublepage} \usepackage{graphicx} % for including images \typeout{VUW Honours reports modifications -- Mar 1995} \typeout{Modified to handle different degrees 2003} \typeout{Modified to handle duplex printing properly 2006} \ifnum\@ptsize=1\else \typeout{} \errmessage{Honours Reports must be in 11pt, (add 11pt to documentstyle options)} \fi \DeclareFixedFont{\halj}{\f@encoding}{phv}{bx}{n}{18} \DeclareFixedFont{\halk}{\f@encoding}{phv}{m}{n}{18} \DeclareFixedFont{\smallhal}{\f@encoding}{phv}{m}{n}{9} \if@twoside \oddsidemargin 0mm \evensidemargin -3.6mm \marginparwidth 20mm \else \oddsidemargin 2mm \evensidemargin 4.4mm \marginparwidth 20mm \fi \marginparsep 2.5mm \topmargin -8.2mm \headheight 12pt \headsep 25pt \footskip 30pt \textheight 240mm \textwidth 155mm \columnsep 10pt \columnseprule 0pt \@ifundefined{Ecs@school}{\gdef\Ecs@school{School: NOT STATED}}{} \@ifundefined{Ecs@schoolmaori}{\gdef\Ecs@schoolmaori{}}{} \@ifundefined{Ecs@schoolacronymlower}{\gdef\Ecs@schoolacronymlower{whichschool}}{} \@ifundefined{Ecs@fromnetaddr}{% \gdef\Ecs@fromnetaddr{office@\Ecs@schoolacronymlower.vuw.ac.nz} }{} \def\netaddr#1{\gdef\Ecs@fromnetaddr{#1}} \def\supervisor#1{\gdef\@supervisor{Supervisor: #1}} \def\supervisors#1{\gdef\@supervisor{Supervisors: #1}} \gdef\@supervisor{Supervisor: NOT STATED} \@ifundefined{Ecs@degree}{\gdef\Ecs@degree{DEGREE NOT STATED}}{} \def\otherdegree#1{\gdef\Ecs@degree{#1}} \def\maketitle{\begin{titlepage} \thispagestyle{empty} \let\footnotesize\small \let\footnoterule\relax \if@twoside\setcounter{page}{-1}\else\setcounter{page}{0}\fi \null \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=95mm]{VUW_Standard_Landscape_BLACK}\\*[16pt] \addtolength{\baselineskip}{6pt} {\halj \Ecs@school \\ \halk \Ecs@schoolmaori } \end{center} \vspace*{-2mm} \noindent \hspace*{3mm} {\smallhal \parbox{40mm}{ PO Box 600\\ Wellington\\ New Zealand}\hfill \parbox{65mm}{ \flushright Tel: +64 4 463 5341\\ Internet: \Ecs@fromnetaddr\\ \mbox{}} } \parbox{3mm}{\mbox{}} \begin{center} \parbox{100mm}{\center\LARGE\bf\@title}\par \vskip 1em \parbox{100mm}{\center\large\@author}\par \vskip 1em \parbox{100mm}{\center\large \@supervisor}\par \vskip 1em {\large \@date \par} \vskip 1em \parbox{100mm}{\center Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for \\ \Ecs@degree.}\par \end{center} \par \@thanks \vskip 1em \begin{center} {\bf Abstract\vspace{-.5em}\vspace{0pt}} \end{center} \vskip 1ex \hskip\leftmargini\box\@abstract \vfill \end{titlepage} \setcounter{footnote}{0} \if@twoside\newpage\mbox{}\clearpage\setcounter{page}{1}\fi \let\thanks\relax \gdef\@thanks{}\gdef\@author{}\gdef\@title{}\let\maketitle\relax } \newbox\@abstract \def\abstract{\global\setbox\@abstract\vbox\bgroup \advance\linewidth -2\leftmargini \hsize\linewidth} \def\endabstract{\egroup}